
  • “Researching scientific subjects, projects and transferring quality technology to contribute to the development of social resources in the future.
  • Creating an environment ofTraining and consulting services for agencies, organizations and businesses” with professional resources. 
  • Providing highly qualified scientists, experts, and lecturers from both domestic and international backgrounds, helping learners advance - promote their careers.
  • Building a creative, fair and happy workplace among scientists, experts, lecturers, team of consultants.
  • Providing society with quality resources.

“Research scientific subjects and projects and transfer quality technology”

The quality of social resources is enhanced
by Phuong Nam Institute

With the current and future trend of deep international integration, the quality of social resources is being enhanced, playing an extremely significant role in Vietnam’s socio-economic development in the future.


Science and Technology services

To materialize our mission, Phuong Nam Institute: 

Organizes and coordinates technical consulting activities, scientific and technical services, and scientific workshops, making these accessible to all strata of the population in the Southern provinces in Vietnam.


Phuong Nam Institute’s valuable contributions

Who we are

Who we are

Our Scientific Advisory Board and the Leadership profoundly understand that social human resource development along with science and technology application are core values that significantly contribute to socio-economic development of every country, agency, organization and business. Therefore, the Institute’s activities and mission consistently focus on these values.
Oriented development

Oriented development

Based on our mission, Phuong Nam Institute is oriented to operate as a non-profit organization, aiming to accommodate the highest core values for the development of quality social resources in the future.
Elevating social resources for development

Elevating social resources for development

No matter who you are,  which organization you belong to or even what age you are, as long as you give us a choice, we ensure to bring you typical values that advance your future career.

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